Sekiro shadow die twice

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Following the Sengoku period, Isshin Ashina seized control of the land of Ashina. During this time, a nameless orphan is adopted by the wandering shinobi  as Owl, who named the boy Wolf and trained him in the ways of the shinobi. Two decades later, Ashina is on the brink of collapse due to the now elderly Isshin falling ill and the Interior Ministry, a group set on unifying Japan, steadily closing in. Desperate to save his clan, Isshin's adoptive grandson Genichiro seeks the immortal Divine Heir Kuro in hopes of using the Dragon Heritage in his blood to create an immortal army. Wolf, now a full-fledged shinobi and Kuro's bodyguard, fights Genichiro but loses both Kuro and his left arm. However, being immortal, Wolf survives and is found by a retired shinobi known as the Sculptor. The Sculptor nurses Wolf back to health and gifts him a prosthetic arm.

To rescue Kuro, Wolf assaults Ashina Castle whilst being forced to confront his past; Three years ago, Kuro's birthplace, the Hirata estate, was raided by bandits led by Wolf's former teacher, Lady Butterfly. While Wolf was able to defeat her, he was stabbed in the back by an unknown assailant but survived after Kuro made him immortal using the Dragon Heritage. In the present, Wolf once again confronts Genichiro and defeats him, forcing him to flee. Kuro asks Wolf to perform the Immortal Severance ritual, which would result in Kuro's death and prevent anyone from fighting over his immortality. Wolf reluctantly agrees and sets out to collect the necessary materials for the ritual. Wolf's quest leads him to cross paths with Isshin, who gives him a new name: Sekiro, the "one-armed wolf".

After collecting all the components for the ritual, Sekiro is confronted by Owl, who is revealed to be the assailant who backstabbed Sekiro at the Hirata estate. Owl reveals he also seeks the Dragon Heritage and orders Sekiro to renounce his loyalty to Kuro. If Sekiro sides with Owl, he is forced to fight Isshin's doctor, Emma, and Isshin himself. After defeating them, Sekiro betrays Owl while Kuro realizes he has been corrupted by bloodlust, resulting in the "Shura" ending. If Kuro is chosen, Sekiro fights and kills Owl. Sekiro then enters the Divine Realm to collect the final material for the ritual. Upon returning to Ashina, Sekiro discovers Isshin has succumbed to his illness and that the castle is under attack by the Interior Ministry. Sekiro eventually finds Kuro under attack by Genichiro, whom he defeats again. Realizing Ashina is lost, Genichiro sacrifices himself in a ritual to revive Isshin in his prime so that he might restore Ashina. Isshin honors his grandson's wish and fights Sekiro.

After defeating Isshin, there are three possible endings. Performing the Immortal Severance ritual results in the eponymous standard ending, where the Dragon Heritage is removed at the cost of Kuro's life. Afterward, like the Sculptor before him, Sekiro retires as a shinobi and spends the remainder of his days carving Buddha Statues. Working with Emma to find an alternative way of severing immortality results in the Purification ending, where Sekiro sacrifices himself instead of Kuro. The final ending, Dragon's Homecoming, is obtained by helping a character known as the Divine Child of the Rejuvenating Waters. Kuro's body dies, but his spirit lives on inside the Divine Child, who goes on a journey with Sekiro to return the Dragon Heritage to its original place.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is an action-adventure game played from a third-person view.]Compared Dark Souls series, the game features fewer role-playing elements, lacks character creation and the ability to level up a variety of stats, and has no multiplayer elements.It does, however, include gear upgrading, a skill tree, and limited ability customization. Rather than attacking to whittle an enemy's health points, combat in Sekiro revolves around using a katana to attack their posture and balance instead, eventually leading to an opening that allows for a single killing blow.

The game also features stealth elements, allowing players to instantly eliminate some enemies if they can get in range undetected.In addition, the player character can use various tools to assist with combat and exploration, such as a grappling hook.[3] If the player character dies, they can be revived on the spot if they have resurrection power, which is restored by defeating enemies, instead of respawning at earlier checkpoints.
